Jumat, 21 Agustus 2015
Procedures and Preparation of Marriage What You Should Know
For the preparation phase before the wedding, the bride requirement (Catin) should make preparations as follows:
1. Each bride mutual conduct research if they were in love / disagree and whether their parents approve / blessing. This is closely related to letters of consent of both bride and permit parents to those who have aged 21 years.
2. Each tried to investigate whether there is a good marriage impediment munakahat by law and according to the legislation in force. (To prevent the occurrence of rejection or cancellation of the marriage).
3. Prospective bride in order to learn the science of coaching household rights and obligations of husband and wife and so on.
4. In order to improve the quality of offspring that will dilahirkaan bride in order to check their health and to prospective mempekai women are given an injection of tetanus toxoid immunization.
A. Notice of Marriage Will
After the preliminary preparation is done carefully so people who want to marry their will notify mewilayahi VAT which would place the ceremony holding of at least 10 working days before the marriage ceremony
held. Will marriage notification contains data about the names of the bride, day and date of execution of the ceremony, the data dowry / dowry and marriage ceremony where the ceremony (in Hall Marriage / office or at home bride, mosque building, etc.). Will marriage notification may be made by the bride, guardians (parents) or their representatives with letters required:
I. Marriage fellow citizen
1. Copy of ID card and family card (KK) for the prospective bride (Caten) each 1 (one) share.
2. A statement has never been married (still girl / youth) at the top of the seal / stamp duty worth at least Rp.6000, - (six thousand rupiah) known to RT, RW, and local village chief.
3. A certificate for the marriage of a local municipality, namely Model N1, N2, N4, both prospective husband and wife candidates.
4. Pas photo Caten size 2 × 3 each of 4 (four) pieces, for members of the Armed Forces service dress.
5. For the widower / widow must enclose Repudiation / Divorce Certificate of Religious Court, if Widower / Widow dies there should be a death certificate and a letter from the local village chief N6 Model.
6. There must be permission / dispensation of the Religious Courts for:
7. Caten man whose age is less than 19 years;
8. Caten Women whose age is less than 16 years;
9. Men who want to polygamy.
10. Permission Parents (Model N5) for Caten of an age less than 21 years Caten both male / female.
For the citizen descent, besides the requirements mentioned in point 1 s / d 10 must attach a copy of birth certificate and citizenship (K1).
Certificate not capable of Village Chief / Head of Village for those who can not afford.
II. Mixed marriages (citizen & WNA)
1. Birth Certificate / know Birth
2. The letter of self reporting (STMD) of police
3. Certificate Model K II of the Department of Population (for those who live more than one year)
4. Signs foreign tax paid (for those who live more than one year)
5. Remarks temporary entry permit (KIMS) of the Immigration Office
6. Copy of Passport
7. Letter from the Embassy / Diplomatic representatives concerned.
8. All documents in foreign languages must be translated into Indonesian by an official translator.
B. Examination of Marriage
VAT which receives notification of marriage will examine and check the existing file -berkas whether qualified or not, if there is still a shortage condition then notified the lack of it. After the examination of the prospective husbands, wives and carers illegitimate candidates as outlined in Checklist Nikah (Model NB).
If the prospective husband / wife or guardians reside outside the territory of the District KUA and can not attend to be examined, the examination carried out by the VAT mewilayahi residence. If after the examination was held the marriage did not meet the requirements specified either by law munakahat and according to the legislation in force, the VAT is entitled to refuse implementation of the marriage by giving a letter of refusal and why.
After examination of the otherwise qualified candidate for a husband, wife and trustee candidate illegitimate signed Checklist marriage. Afterwards concerned to pay the administrative costs of marriage records in accordance with applicable regulations.
Will C. Announcement of Marriage
Once the requirements are met VAT will announce the marriage (model NC) on the bulletin board at KUA subdistrict where the wedding will take place and KUA District of residence of each bride.
VAT should not carry out the ceremony prior to the past 10 working days since the announcement, except as set forth in paragraph 3 psl 3 PP 9 Year 1975 ie when there is a very important reason for instance one of the bride will be served out of the country, it is possible that the relevant pleading subsequent dispensation to Head Head on behalf of Mayor / Regent granted a dispensation.
D. Implementation of the Akad Nikah
1.Pelaksanaan Akad Nikah ceremony:
* In the Hall of Marriage / Office
* Outside of Marriage Hall: home bride, mosques or buildings etc.
2.Pemeriksaan Birthday:
Before the ceremony, the ceremony VAT / penghoeloe first check / hold rechecking marriage and administration requirements for both the bride and her guardian to complete the fields that have not been filled at the time of the initial inspection at the office or if there are changes to the data of the results of the initial examination. Thereafter the VAT / prince named two witnesses who qualify.
3. Granting permission
Shortly before the ceremony took place is recommended for a father to ask permission to his son who was a girl or a child prior request / grant permission to the father or guardian, and the necessity for his father to ask permission to marry if the child widows.
4. The reading of the sermon of marriage
Prior to the implementation of the consent qobul as usual ceremonial marriage contract may be preceded by the reading of the marriage sermon, readings istighfar and two sentences creed.
5.Akad Marriage / Ijab Qobul
6.Pelaksanaan consent qobul
Carried out by the illegitimate guardian of the groom, but if for some reason guardians / groom can delegate to another person designated by him.
7.Penandatanganan Marriage Certificate
Marriage Certificate Signing of the bride and groom, guardian of marriage, two witnesses and VAT are attending the ceremony.
8.Pembacaan Ta'lik Separations
9.Penandatanganan pledge Ta'lik Separations
10.Penyerahan dowry / bride
Book 11.Penyerahan Marriage / Marriage Certificate citation.
12.Nasihat marriage
13.Do'a cover
Legal Marriage In Islam
Legal Marriage In Islam
married in view of sharia law. The scholars when discussing marriage law, discovered that her marriage can sometimes form the sunnah (mandub), can sometimes be compulsory or sometimes also can be a permissible only. In fact, under certain conditions can become makruh. And there is also the law of marriage is haram to do.
All will depend on the person's condition and situation and problems. What and how it could happen, let us one by one surgeon.
Law Wedding Required
Married was wjib legal for a person who has been able to financially and also very risky fall into adultery. It caused that keeping away from adultery is mandatory. So if the way out is simply a way to get married, of course married to someone who almost fall into the abyss of adultery obligatory.
Imam Al-Qurtubi said that the scholars do not differ on the necessity of a marriage if he is a person who is able and fear stricken risks of adultery on her. And if he is not capable, then Allah will surely make it deep enough sustenance problems, as his word:
"And kawinkanlah people who alone among you, and those worthy of servants sahayamu that men and servants sahayamu are women. If they are poor God will enable them with gifts of Him. And Allah is broadly Maha Knowing. "(Qur'an, An-Nur: 32).
Legal Marriage The Sunnah
While that is not to be obliged to marry are those who are able but still did not feel afraid of falling to adultery. Perhaps because of his young age or the environment that is quite good and conducive.
People who have this condition are just disunnahkan to get married, but not until required. Because there is still a certain distance that prevented could fall into adultery is forbidden Allah.
When he married, he would get more than the virtues that he secretly did not marry a woman. At least, he has implemented the recommendation of the Prophet Muhammad to multiply the quantity of Muslims.
Anas RA that the Prophet SAW said: "Marry women who are more children, because I raced with another prophet at the last day." (HR. Ahmad and classed as saheeh by Ibn Hibbam).
From Abi Umamah that the Prophet SAW said, "Marry me, because I compete with other people in a number of people. And do not you be like the Christian monks." (HR. Al-Bayhaqi 7/78).
Even Ibn Abbas never commented on people who do not want to get married because people are not perfect worship.
The Sacred Marriage Law
Normally, there are two main things that make a person forbidden to marry. First, it is not able to provide a living. Secondly, it is not able to have sexual intercourse. Unless he has been forthright previous and future wife was aware of and accept the situation.
It is also when inside him there are other physical disabilities that are generally not accepted by the partner. So in order to be lawful and permissible to marry, it should be from the beginning he was forthright on his condition and must be approved by the candidate pasangannya.Seperti people affected by infectious diseases where when she was married to seseorng would be at risk of infecting their partners with the disease. Then it is haraam for him to marry her partner unless it knows the condition and ready to accept the risks.
In addition to the above two, there are more specific reasons, which forbids marriage. For example, a Muslim woman who are married to men of different religions or atheists. Also marry women adulterers and prostitutes. Including married women were forbidden to marry (mahram), a woman who had a husband, women who are within the prescribed period.
There are also wedding unlawful from the other side again like a marriage that did not qualify and harmony. Like married without a wali or without witnesses. Or get married with the intention to mentalak, so that it becomes a marriage for a while that we are familiar with the marriage contract.
Legal Marriage The Makruh
People who have no income at all and imperfect ability to have sex, the ruling makruh if married. But when his future wife was willing and had the property that can meet their life, then it is permissible for them to marry even with karahiyah.
Because ideally not the women who bear the burden and make a living husband, it is the responsibility of the husband. Then the marriage was legal because it affects dharar makruh for the woman. Especially when such conditions affect the wife's obedience and submission to the husband, then the level of kemakruhannya be much greater.
Law Wedding permissible
People who are in a position midway between the things that drive necessity to marry the things that prevented him from getting married, then the married law or should it be permissible. Not recommended to be married, but there is no prohibition or suggestion for mengakhirkannya. In the midst of such conditions, then her marriage law is permissible. Source: Ebook Fiqh of Marriage By H. Ahmad Sarwat, Lc.
Tags associated with the law of marriage: marriage requirement, the legal basis of marriage, harmonious marriage, legal marriage in Islam, interfaith marriage law, law of marriage siri, siri marriage legal papers, marriage siri law in Islam.
married in view of sharia law. The scholars when discussing marriage law, discovered that her marriage can sometimes form the sunnah (mandub), can sometimes be compulsory or sometimes also can be a permissible only. In fact, under certain conditions can become makruh. And there is also the law of marriage is haram to do.
All will depend on the person's condition and situation and problems. What and how it could happen, let us one by one surgeon.
Law Wedding Required
Married was wjib legal for a person who has been able to financially and also very risky fall into adultery. It caused that keeping away from adultery is mandatory. So if the way out is simply a way to get married, of course married to someone who almost fall into the abyss of adultery obligatory.
Imam Al-Qurtubi said that the scholars do not differ on the necessity of a marriage if he is a person who is able and fear stricken risks of adultery on her. And if he is not capable, then Allah will surely make it deep enough sustenance problems, as his word:
"And kawinkanlah people who alone among you, and those worthy of servants sahayamu that men and servants sahayamu are women. If they are poor God will enable them with gifts of Him. And Allah is broadly Maha Knowing. "(Qur'an, An-Nur: 32).
Legal Marriage The Sunnah
While that is not to be obliged to marry are those who are able but still did not feel afraid of falling to adultery. Perhaps because of his young age or the environment that is quite good and conducive.
People who have this condition are just disunnahkan to get married, but not until required. Because there is still a certain distance that prevented could fall into adultery is forbidden Allah.
When he married, he would get more than the virtues that he secretly did not marry a woman. At least, he has implemented the recommendation of the Prophet Muhammad to multiply the quantity of Muslims.
Anas RA that the Prophet SAW said: "Marry women who are more children, because I raced with another prophet at the last day." (HR. Ahmad and classed as saheeh by Ibn Hibbam).
From Abi Umamah that the Prophet SAW said, "Marry me, because I compete with other people in a number of people. And do not you be like the Christian monks." (HR. Al-Bayhaqi 7/78).
Even Ibn Abbas never commented on people who do not want to get married because people are not perfect worship.
The Sacred Marriage Law
Normally, there are two main things that make a person forbidden to marry. First, it is not able to provide a living. Secondly, it is not able to have sexual intercourse. Unless he has been forthright previous and future wife was aware of and accept the situation.
It is also when inside him there are other physical disabilities that are generally not accepted by the partner. So in order to be lawful and permissible to marry, it should be from the beginning he was forthright on his condition and must be approved by the candidate pasangannya.Seperti people affected by infectious diseases where when she was married to seseorng would be at risk of infecting their partners with the disease. Then it is haraam for him to marry her partner unless it knows the condition and ready to accept the risks.
In addition to the above two, there are more specific reasons, which forbids marriage. For example, a Muslim woman who are married to men of different religions or atheists. Also marry women adulterers and prostitutes. Including married women were forbidden to marry (mahram), a woman who had a husband, women who are within the prescribed period.
There are also wedding unlawful from the other side again like a marriage that did not qualify and harmony. Like married without a wali or without witnesses. Or get married with the intention to mentalak, so that it becomes a marriage for a while that we are familiar with the marriage contract.
Legal Marriage The Makruh
People who have no income at all and imperfect ability to have sex, the ruling makruh if married. But when his future wife was willing and had the property that can meet their life, then it is permissible for them to marry even with karahiyah.
Because ideally not the women who bear the burden and make a living husband, it is the responsibility of the husband. Then the marriage was legal because it affects dharar makruh for the woman. Especially when such conditions affect the wife's obedience and submission to the husband, then the level of kemakruhannya be much greater.
Law Wedding permissible
People who are in a position midway between the things that drive necessity to marry the things that prevented him from getting married, then the married law or should it be permissible. Not recommended to be married, but there is no prohibition or suggestion for mengakhirkannya. In the midst of such conditions, then her marriage law is permissible. Source: Ebook Fiqh of Marriage By H. Ahmad Sarwat, Lc.
Tags associated with the law of marriage: marriage requirement, the legal basis of marriage, harmonious marriage, legal marriage in Islam, interfaith marriage law, law of marriage siri, siri marriage legal papers, marriage siri law in Islam.
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